Protect Our Kids
From Mercury |
How does mercury get into our environment? While mercury is a naturally occurring toxic metal, levels of mercury in the environment have increased three fold since pre-industrial times due to man-made activities. [UNEP] Mercury has been used in many products and industrial processes, but its uses are increasingly being phased out in many applications. This is because when mercury is emitted into the air, primarily by power plants, industrial processes and waste disposal, it becomes a serious public health threat. Once released into the air, mercury settles in oceans and waterways. Bacteria in the water then convert the mercury to a form called methylmercury, which when ingested is particularly dangerous to humans. Fish absorb methylmercury from water as it passes over their gills and when they eat other aquatic organisms. As larger fish eat smaller ones, concentrations of mercury bioaccumulate in the larger fish. Because mercury keeps accumulating in the fish, larger and older fish have higher levels of mercury. Americans are primarily exposed to unsafe levels of mercury by eating contaminated fish. [NAS] What are the health effects of mercury pollution? Even
at low doses, methylmercury is a powerful, dangerous toxin. Once
in the human body, mercury interferes with brain development and
can lead to neurological diseases and developmental problems, including
delayed language development, impaired memory and vision, learning
disabilities, attention deficit disorders and mental retardation.
[PSR] Is the government doing what is necessary to protect us from mercury? The
federal government has recently taken actions that fail to protect
the public adequately from exposure to mercury. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to weaken efforts to control
mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants, the largest unregulated
source of mercury. The EPA originally classified mercury as a hazardous
pollutant and determined that it was feasible using current technology
to reduce emissions by 90% (from about 50 to 5 tons yearly) in three
years. [EPA] However, the EPA’s current plan treats mercury
as an ordinary air pollutant instead of a hazardous one, and power
plants would only be required to reduce emissions by 30% over 15
years. [NRDC1] Moreover, some plants would be able to avoid
or delay reducing mercury emissions by buying pollution “credits”
from cleaner plants. |
BE SAFE: Take Precautionary Action to Prevent Mercury Contamination |
1. HEED EARLY WARNING SIGNS We must heed early warnings signaling that mercury contamination is a growing problem posing serious health risks. The percentage of U.S. waters dangerously polluted with mercury is rapidly increasing. The EPA and 44 states have now issued advisories warning people, especially women and children, to avoid or limit eating local fish because they are highly contaminated with mercury. In 1993 only 27 states had issued such advisories, and in 1997 only 39 states had done so. To see if your state has posted an advisory, visit www.epa.gov/water science/fish. Scientists agree that mercury can cause severe damage to the brain and nervous system. We must act to warn people of the current risks of eating certain fish, and we must work to ensure that the level of mercury in fish decreases, so that we can all continue to enjoy this nutritious food. 2. PUT SAFETY FIRST The nation’s 1,100 coal-fired power plants emit about 40 tons of mercury into the air each year and are the largest unregulated source of mercury. Other industries like municipal and medical waste incinerators have been subject to strict regulation and have reduced their mercury emissions by nearly 90%. EPA data confirms that power plants could similarly reduce their emissions by around 90%. This is the standard that the EPA should hold these plants to. Also, the FDA should give consumers the best possible advice about which fish to avoid eating, and how much fish children and women of child bearing age can safely eat. For instance, the State of Rhode Island Department of Health recommends that pregnant women and children should avoid consumption of albacore “white” canned tuna. 3. EXERCISE DEMOCRACY We must work together to ensure that the EPA and FDA heed early warnings and prevent mercury exposure in children. The EPA is currently accepting comments on its proposed rule. It is crucial that people concerned with children’s health submit comments urging the EPA to require power plants to reduce mercury emissions by 90%. EPA’s original approach would have treated all communities equally. But under the rule EPA is now proposing, dirty power plants could avoid having to reduce emissions by buying emissions “credits” from cleaner plants. Already “hot spots”—areas of extremely high mercury contamination—exist near some of these dirty plants. Evidence suggests that the mercury in these hot spots comes from the local plants, and so the proposed emissions trading plan will do little to decrease pollution in these problem areas. [ED] We must tell the EPA that no community should be polluted in this way. EPA is also holding public hearings on the proposed rule. Individuals and groups should write to the EPA and request a hearing be held in their town. And when a hearing is happening nearby, it is important for children’s health advocates to attend and raise their concerns about the weak proposed rule. We must also write the FDA to express our concerns over the current fish advisory. We must demand that the FDA publish a new advisory clearly indicating which fish are high in mercury, designating how much of high-mercury fish individuals can eat and remain under the mercury exposure level recommended by EPA, and noting exactly how much of these fish women and children can safely eat. BE SAFE is coordinated by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice. Contact us at CHEJ, P.O. Box 6806, Falls Church, VA 22040, 703-237-2249 or 513-732-4538 or visit www.besafenet.com |
the FDA to issue adequate mercury warnings. Protect
yourself and your family. BE
SAFE. Your
vote counts. |
References: Physicians for Social Responsibility, www.mercuryaction.org [PSR]; United Nations Environmental Program, Global Mercury Assessment (2002) available at http://www.chem.uncep.ch/mercury [UNEP]; National Academies of Science, Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury (2000) [NAS]; Kathryn Mahaffey, Methyl Mercury: Epidemiology Update (2004), available at www.epa.gov/waterscience/fish/forum/2004/presentations/Monday/mahaffey.pdf [Mahaffey]; U.S. EPA, 1998. Utility Air Toxics Study Report to Congress, available at: http://www.epa.gov/mercury/actions.htm#utility [EPA]; Natural Resources Defense Council, “Press Backgrounder: Bush Mercury Policy Threatens the Health of Women and Children,” available at: http://www.nrdc.org/media/pressreleases/040227.asp [NRDC1]; Environmental Working Group, New Government Fish Tests Raise Mercury Concerns, available at: http://www.ewg.org/issues/mercury/20031209/index.php [EWG]; Environmental Defense, Out of Control and Close to Home, available at: http://www.environmentaldefense.org/[ED]; Natural Resources Defense Council, Mercury Contamination in Fish, available at: http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/mercury/protect.asp [NRDC2]. New England Zero Mercury Campaign, http://www.cleanwateraction.org/mercury [ZMC]; National Wildlife Federation, Getting Serious About Mercury, available at http://www.nwf.org. Primary Contributor: Mercury Policy Project, www.mercurypolicy.org; Public Citizen, www.citizen.org. |
BE SAFE PlatformIn the 21st century, we envision a world in which our food, water and air are clean, and our children grow up healthy and thrive. Everyone needs a protected, safe community and workplace, and natural environment to enjoy. We can make this world vision a reality. The tools we bring to this work are prevention, safety, responsibility and democracy. Our goal is to prevent pollution and environmental destruction before it happens. We support this precautionary approach because it is preventive medicine for our environment and health. It makes sense to:
We choose a "better safe than sorry" approach motivated by caution and prevention. |
Take precautionary action to . |