Local Precautionary Policies
Precautionary Principle Law in San Francisco Bay Area
Joan Reinhardt Reiss of the Bay Area Working Group outlines the history, tactics and strategies of their successful campaign to pass the Precautionary Principle law.
View power point presentation.
Portland and Multnomah County Toxic Reduction Strategy
Molly Chidsey of Multnomah County explains how the plan to minimize use of toxic substances in government operations was created and the 40 proposed actions to implement it. Neha Patel of Oregon Center for Environmental Health describes their campaign to seek approval of the policy.
View Molly Chidsey's power point presentation.
View Neha Patel's power point presentation.
LA School Precautionary Pesticide Policy
Robina Suwol of California Safe Schools provides an overview of the policy and its creation, best practices and lessons learned.
View speech.
San Francisco Extended Producer Responsibility Resolution
Bill Sheehan of Product Policy Institute explains how extended producer responsibility (EPR) implements the precautionary principle by reversing the burden of responsibility and encouraging safer alternatives, and outlines how local governments are taking action.
View power point presentation.
Mendocino County Precautionary Principle Policy
Linda Helland of Mendocino County describes a policy to apply precautionary decision-making to country processes and products, including toxic substances, planning and building which was approved in June 2006.
View power point presentation.
New York City Watershed Protection Agreement
Chris Wilde of Riverkeeper describes a policy to protect the drainage basin natural environment for New York City's water source in the Catskill Mountains.
View power point presentation.
Charles River Restoration Program
David Kaplan of Charles River Watershed Association describes restoration activities for Charles River aquifer near Boston
View power point presentation.